January is job quit month
January is traditionally job quit month. After the long Christmas break, the thought of returning to a job you’ve fallen out of love with is not a pleasant one.
by Nick Band
In January 2022, it looks like we’ll get a record number of resignations as the covid blues settle in for the winter months. According to Future Work’s research at least a third of us plan to resign in the coming months as we reappraise our relationship with work. It’s job quit time.
There are a number of drivers pushing us to the exit door. Firstly, we now crave meaning and purpose in our jobs. By that I don’t mean buying into your company’s marketing mantra, but real meaning – the desire to be part of something that makes a difference to the world.
Secondly, we want more flexibility in our hours with the option of working from home some days. Since the Government’s Plan B came into force, all employers are now required to offer home working wherever possible. Failure to do so won’t just see firms breaking guidelines, but a loss of staff.
The third driver is the rise of toxicity in the workplace. Yes, for many, work in an unpleasant place with incidences of bullying, harassment, and humiliation. See our blog.
Lastly, for some work has become uninspiring and boring. Much of this can be placed firmly at the door on digitisation which has made a science out of what many considered to be an art.
The good news for those hoping for a January departure is that we are in a candidate’s market with more vacancies than applicants. So, enjoy your Christmas break and if you are ready for a change, make January your job quit month.